Zero Gravity Sound of Ikebanaは
Zero Gravity Sound of Ikebana is
an ikebana flower arrangement born from the vibration of a baby’s birth voice,
and a video work created under zero gravity.
It is a work that symbolizes life under zero gravity in the future to come.
This time, these precious images will be shown on large signage screens at AEON Malls throughout Japan.
上映期間:2022年11月1日(火)から30日(水)毎日19 時
全国の対象のイオンモールで一斉上映 【約4分間】
Screening period: Every day from November 1 (Tuesday) to 30 (Wednesday), 2022 at 19:00
Simultaneous screenings at participating AEON MALLs nationwide [approx. 4 min.]
●イオンモールNagoya Noritake Garden
Zero Gravity コンセプト紹介動画 (Zero Gravity concept introduction video.)
「Naoko Tosa Zero Gravity NFT Exhibition」は Crypto Games株式会社が運営する「NFT Studio®」にて1 1月1日から3 0日まで販売します。
“Naoko Tosa Zero Gravity NFT Exhibition” will be on sale from November 1 to 30 at NFT Studio® , which is operated by Crypto Games Co.
▷ https://nft-studio.com/categories/ntosa-0