産学共同講座の参画機関 / Collaborator of Course
Toppan Printing CO., LTD.
産学共同講座の設置目的及び実施する取組内容 / Objective and Details of Course
設置目的 / Objective:
- The Art innovation Research Group, co-founded in 2018 with Toppan Printing Co.’s HR Development Center, has established a highly effective Management Training, and also has developed several media art projects. The company-branding exhibit in Toppan’s opening event in Hong Kong has caught the attention of Senior Directors of Toppan and was highly appreciated. We have established Art Innovation Industry-Academia Collaboration Course to comprehensively realize new ways of practical value creation. Using artistic methods, especially through the perspective of Japanese beauty, we are engaging in artistic and technological development and its business application.
実施する取組内容 / Course Details:
凸版印刷社員2名(大久保 伸一代表取締役副社長、中尾 光宏取締役常務)・本部局教授3名(寶 馨教授、積山 薫教授、山敷 庸亮教授)で構成される講座運営員会を設置し、以下の研究の推進に対して適切な助言を与える。
- We will develop a Course Management Committee comprised of two Toppan Printing Co. employees (Shinichi Ohkubo, Executive Vice President and Mitsuhiro Nakao, Managing Executive Officer) and three professors from the department (Professor Kaoru Takara, Professor Kaoru Sekiyama, and Professor Yosuke Yamashiki). The committee will give appropriate advise for the promotion of research areas listed below.
HR Development: Development of HR Art Innovation joint research and training program based on artistic thinking, with the objective of innovative value-creation.
Art Content Research: Research and Content development on intersecting areas of Art, Culture, and Technology, with the theme of Japanese beauty. Social implications and implementations of these contents are also considered.
Fluid Art 3D Technology: Value-creation technology research using 3D printed “Sound of Ikebana”, a video art created by using high speed cameras
Projects Based on Art Content Research: When the researched media art content has developed enough to become a project, a new joint research will be initiated.
Disseminating information on Art Innovation Research Outcomes: Disseminating outcomes of HR development research and content research around the world as future form of art innovation.
Contributing to society using outcomes: Assessing global possibilities of business implications of the outcomes as social contribution. Such projects may include, but is not limited to: cultural projects, installation art, and human development.
産学共同講座の設置期間 / Term of Course
1st term: May 1st, 2019 – April 30th, 2022
2nd term: May 1st, 2022 – April 30, 2025